Services To Youth
“The question is not whether we can afford to invest in every child; it is whether we can afford not to.” Marian Wright Edelman
The words of the great children’s advocate, Marian Wright Edelman, resonate with us today more than ever. The Links, Incorporated is committed to leading the way as champions of change, ensuring that youth are academically successful and engaged in healthy lifestyles. In 2012, more than one third of children and adolescents were overweight or obese. Research shows that active, healthy children achieve greater success in school, have greater self-esteem, and become healthy adults who lead productive lives.
The Links, Incorporated created its first program facet, Services to Youth, to equip black youth to use their intellect and spirit of achievement to become successful and productive citizens. Today, The Links, Incorporated continues to implement aligned, integrated and transformational programs that are responsive to the academic, health, cultural, social awareness, career development, and mentoring needs of youth.
The Services to Youth facet uses an integrated approach to prepare young people to succeed as healthy citizens in the global workforce and to promote healthy lifestyles within families and communities.
• Sponsored Project LEAD: High Expectations, a National Links Initiative
• Sponsored “Little Sisters of Links” a mentoring program for female students
• Presented Great Girls + Great Books = Great Readers Program @ John E. Ford elementary
• Sponsored a Ritz Museum tour and Nutcracker Ballet for Great Readers Program participants
• Provided Chapter Leadership in GEMS program – “Bullying: No Joke”
• Provided 500 water bottles during “Jump Rope for Heart Health” at Sallie B. Mathis Elementary
• Delivered workshop for the participants of the 2016 Eugene Butler Cotillion
• Gave a Tribute to the Gretel & Gertie Dance School
• Provided children’s programming for Operation New Hope
• Promoted health and wellness with Jeff Davis Middle School Pearls of Perfection Girls Club
• Provided engaging STEAM activities to School of Success Middle Academy Students
• Furnished Classroom Science, Math, Technology, and Art supplies to the sixth-seventh grade class, School of Success Middle Academy
• Provided ongoing workshops for GEMS at Edward Waters College
• Implement a Links- NSBE Jr. Club Partnership.
• Promote health and wellness with youth, families and communities.
• Provide monthly mentoring relationships between youth and chapter members.
• Support the National STEAM Education Program through career development and field trips.
• Introduce college readiness programs
• Introduce financial literacy programs
• Promote HBCU’s as viable options
• Award College Scholarships