Health & Human Services
The Links, Incorporated established the Health and Human Services facet in response to the chronic health disparities that persist in our communities and result in the decreased life expectancy of African-Americans. The areas of emphasis are cardiovascular disease, breast cancer, organ, tissue and blood donation, and childhood obesity.
Our Signature Programs include:
- HeartLinks to Heart Health – engages the community to take an aggressive stance against heart disease.
- Linkages to Life – educate the African-American community about the importance of and need for organ, tissue, and bone marrow donation.
- Walk for Healthy Living – improves health with daily exercise & nutrition (Heart Walk, Susan G. Komen Walk, etc.)
The Jacksonville Chapter’s specific goals:
- – Continue working with our GEMS to encourage them to make healthy choices
- – Develop health initiatives for other programs (such as Operation New Hope)
- – Implement a program addressing the stigma associated with mental health
- – Develop a new strategic priority for health
In 2015-2016, the Jacksonville Chapter of The Links, Inc. provided assistance to the Schell-Sweet Community Center and Clinic on the campus of Edward Waters College.